Wednesday 31 July 2013


I had the good fortune today to officiate at a funeral for a well loved member of our congregation. Her children wanted each grandchild and great-grandchild to light a candle during the first hymn. They insisted on taper candles so I went to my "stash" and found some of my "finds". I guess I should admit that it started with a sterling silver set from a beloved parishioner. She had been given them as a gift  from Birks (remember Birks?) and she wanted me to have them. From then on, I was hooked. When they were lit, they looked lovely. And I might add, I kept a fire extinguisher behind the lectern!!

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Back in the Saddle

After an extended vacation from this blog, I have decided to return to it and publish not only my latest "finds" but what I have done with said objects. It shouldn't be a secret that I love old things, especially silver, silver plate, china and teacups. Here are a few of my latest finds!! Can you guess the pattern?

Sunday 9 September 2012

I was struck by this wrought iron urn, although I am not sure what I am going to do with it! I keep looking at it and thinking of September and impending October. Leaves changing colour, Thanksgiving, and of course Halloween! I think I might fill this up with something festive for the season! Any ideas???

Friday 7 September 2012

Another great find!

Another find at the GW boutique. I put little flowers in it. Originially they were mounted on wood as "winners cups", now they house flowers.

Monday 30 July 2012

Here is my latest find. A lovely silver ice bucket!! I seem to be going through a silver stage and it looks so nice against dark wood or a nice place to store hand towels in a washroom. You can see me taking the picture in the reflection!!!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Welcome to my blog. The name ciel de mer is french for smooth sailing, something my husband and I love to do. My blog is an attempt to continue to catalogue my finds from garage sales, Goodwill, and any other venue where I can discover my "finds"!! I love to try and decorate with "found" objects and create warmth and creativity in my home.